Reduce Packaging Waste
From redesigning consumer product packaging to improving the efficiency of transport packaging systems, optimizing the packaging materials your company uses can be a key to significant cost savings and other benefits.
Package Labeling & Design
Consumer packaging plays a crucial role in protecting, storing, and communicating about everyday products. Packaging can generate a lot of waste—or little to none. Several factors play a role, from the choice and combination of packaging materials to labeling designed to help the consumer recycle the package properly. StopWaste works with businesses to optimize packaging design and choose labeling that supports recycling, such as the How2Recycle label. Learn more.
Reusable Transport Packaging
Transport packaging includes pallets, boxes, crates and other containers used to ship ingredients, parts and products between producers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. The StopWaste “Use Reusables” Campaign offers educational resources, expert advice, and grants to help businesses make the switch to reusable transport packaging. Learn more.
Related Resources:
The following organizations offer additional information on packaging waste reduction.
- Sustainable Packaging Coalition @SPCSpotlight is an industry working group dedicated to an environmental vision for packaging. They offer useful publications and training opportunities, and are the developers of the How2Recycle label.
- Reusable Packaging Association @RPAReusables is a group of leading manufacturers, poolers, distributors, retailers, educators, and others that promote the environmental, safety, and economic benefits of reusable packaging.
- The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality @OregonDEQ has packaging content on their website, including best practices, case studies and other tools.
- Greener Package is an on-line forum fostering knowledge exchange related to sustainable packaging, including discussion groups and comprehensive data on sustainable packaging materials.
Success Story

Tesla Motors designs and manufactures electric vehicles. At their plant in Fremont they build the Model S, an all electric sedan that seats up to 7 people and was Motor Trend’s 2013 Car of the Year. The car company worked closely with StopWaste’s Use Reusables program to switch to reusable windshield racks, a project that eliminates about 100 tons of cardboard waste a year.