Reduce Paper Use

Is your organization throwing away money? A 2008 study found that half of all documents printed are discarded within 24 hours[1]. Don’t let this happen to you! Introducing a few simple, paper saving practices can significantly boost your organization’s efficiency.
- The Impact of Paper Waste: Get the facts on the toll paper waste takes on the environment and the bottom line.
- Practices that Use Less Paper: Learn about tried-and-true paper saving practices, and how to put them in place at your organization.
- Stop Junk Mail: This kit makes it easy to get junk mail out of your office.
- Paperless Express: This comprehensive and easy to follow guide provides tips and tools to reduce paper at your desk, in the mail room, by using new technologies, and in many other ways.
[1] Hesseldahl, A. (2008, May 27). The New Push to Get Rid of Paper. Business Week.