Reduce Food Packaging Waste
Are you tired of packaging waste filling up your garbage can? What about all the trash that comes with take-out food orders? Especially single-use packaging items like cups, lids, straws, utensils, takeout containers, and bags, often end up as litter, polluting the environment for much longer than they are in use. It doesn’t have to be this way! In Alameda County, reusable packaging systems are on the rise, and your support is needed to make them successful!

First things first: BYO is Best
It’s a “classic’’ but still the greenest way to avoid single-use items: bringing your own reusables.
- Get to-go beverages in your own reusable cup (and yes, it’s safe and allowed).
- Keep reusable utensils in your bag so they’re handy for eating on the go.
- Bring reusable shopping bags to the store. Tip: Keep some in your car, bike bag, or personal bag.
- Dining out? Bring a reusable container for leftovers.
- Ordering in? Opt-out of utensils, straws, and condiments. Note: Take-out restaurants and delivery platforms must now offer the option.

Forgot your to-go cup? Okapi has you covered
Okapi is a reusable cup service and partners with cafes, coffee shops, and Boba tea shops to let customers borrow hot and cold drink cups for to-go orders and return them at any participating business. They offer easy tracking via a phone app and no “rental” charge. Check them out at any of their 10 locations (and counting!) in the City of Alameda.

Make the pitch for take-out reusables
StopWaste grantee DeliverZero is expanding their successful take-out foodware service to Alameda County, and you can help! Become a DeliverZero Ambassador to get your favorite restaurants on board with reusable foodware for take-out and delivery. As a DeliverZero Ambassador, you can earn cash for each business that you bring on while helping restaurants save money on foodware and reduce their environmental impact. Training and materials are provided.

No baggage: Buy loose and in bulk
Here in Alameda County, we’re lucky to have many farmers markets as well as produce businesses where you can buy fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables loose or in your own reusable produce bags. Many stores also offer pantry staples like pasta, grains, and beans in bulk. Bonus: Besides avoiding disposable packaging, you can get exactly the amount you need.