4Rs Climate Action Projects

FREE in-class program for 5th through 12th-grade Alameda County classrooms
About the 4Rs Climate Action Project
Have students apply their knowledge and skills to make a difference in stopping waste in your community! In this project-based learning program, our experienced educators will facilitate lessons in which your students investigate and explore real environmental issues at your school and put the 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot) into practice. Your students will develop their leadership skills while working towards making a positive impact in their school by developing and implementing a climate action project. Climate Action Project curriculum and themes support Common Core English and Mathematics standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.
Request a Classroom or School Site Visit
StopWaste is looking for active partners in reducing and preventing waste throughout the county and beyond. Fill out the request form and let us know how our programs can help amplify the sustainability efforts at your school and how you can take action with your students.
To receive updates on registration and other school news, sign up for our e-newsletter.
Questions? Send us an inquiry.
4Rs Lessons and Activities
Use real issues to engage students in real-world learning! Aligned with Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards, lessons and 4Rs Climate Action Projects are designed to review and support math, science and English language arts concepts and skills. A StopWaste educator will visit your classroom and facilitate an up-to 3-part series of 2-hour lessons.Examples of lessons include:
Lesson 1
Students will be introduced to the environmental theme and vocabulary by becoming “Garbologists” and conduct waste audits at home and school.
Lesson 2
Analyzing their waste audit data, students will further investigate environmental science concepts, and develop a 4Rs Student Action Project applying their knowledge and skills. Their action project will include creating outreach materials to communicate their findings and solutions for reducing waste to their school, households and community.
Lesson 3
Students will take action spreading the 4Rs message, evaluate and celebrate their work. Have your students be part of the solution and contribute to our countywide waste reduction goals!
The 5 Step Action-Based Learning Model
The 4Rs Student Action Project uses the 5 Step Action-Based Learning Model as a framework for students and teachers to take action.
Step 1: Aspire
Students co-create a vision of our earth together.
Step 2: Assess & Audit
Students conduct an assessment of their waste stream, typically with a cafeteria waste audit.
Step 3: Analyze & Plan
Students analyze waste audit data and reflect. Based on their findings, students plan an action project.
Step 4: Action
Students take action at school, at home and in their community.
Step 5: Aggregate & Celebrate
Students report findings and results to their school and home community. Students along with StopWaste also celebrate their successes!
Take Action at Home!
Students can take action to reduce waste and build a healthier planet even from home! StopWaste has developed pathways for students and families to take action on litter, plastic pollution, and food waste. These pathways, which include activities and action project templates, were developed as part of StopWaste’s resources for distance learning and are designed with the best practices from the in-person classroom program.