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  • Reports   

    News from StopWaste and its Member Agencies

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  • Success Stories   

    When StopWaste moved to a new office, staff wanted to avoid the mountain of cardboard waste typical of a traditional move. By choosing reusable moving crates they prevented 826 pounds of cardboard waste, cut back on labor, and improved the efficiency of the move.

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  • Success Stories   

    Pepsico’s switch to more durable reusable pallets was cost-neutral, and brought numerous product protection, safety, and labor benefits to an Oakland bottling plant. View video

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  • Success Stories   

    This artisanal bakery in Berkeley relocated and grew its business. Green building materials and techniques were used during building renovations. The move presented an opportunity to set up composting and recycling programs that have reduced waste by over 95%. 

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  • Success Stories   

    StopWaste helped food manufacturer American Licorice purchase a spiral dryer that prevents the creation of 150 tons of candy-waste a year. Through this and a variety of other measures, the company has reduced waste by 98%, saving $48,000 a year.

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  • Success Stories   

    UC Berkeley is implementing food waste tracking systems at the four largest residential dining halls on campus. Specialized equipment and software helps kitchen staff weigh, record and analyze pre-consumer food and portion sizes, allowing them to identify and prevent food waste at the source.

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    Throughout the nation, local and state transportation departments have approved for use high quality road and highway products made with recycled materials. These agencies are purchasing a variety of products, including recycled content traffic cones, traffic barricades, channelizers, delineators, parking stops, sound barriers, object markers, reflective glass beads and much more.
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  • Success Stories   

    Ghirardelli Chocolate Company replaced cardboard boxes with a fleet of reusable totes for internal distribution of its chocolate products. Besides preventing 350 tons of soiled cardboard waste each year, this eliminates the purchasing cost for cardboard boxes as well as disposal fees, and even reduces chocolate breakage.

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  • Success Stories   

    Orcon Corporation, a manufacturer of film and seam products for the aerospace and carpet industries, purchased equipment and software to switch to a paperless office system. Incoming paperwork is scanned and saved to the network, instead of making duplicate hard copies for different departments.

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  • Success Stories   

    Peerless Coffee & Tea Company in Oakland purchased computerized packaging equipment to reduce expensive Mylar packaging waste, previously generated by their coffee bagging equipment. This waste prevention effort has resulted in savings of over $100,000 annually.

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