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    In order to ensure that grant recipients receive funds in a timely manner, please review this overview of the Funding Agreement, Payment and Reporting Requirements.


    GRANTS DEADLINE:   April 10, 2017 at 5 PM

    Funding via the competitive grants program is available to nonprofit entities for innovative projects that increase individual and community involvement in source reduction and recycling efforts, decrease the amount of waste generated and sent to the County’s landfills, and encourage the development, marketing and use of recycled products. While no maximum award amounts have been set, grants are typically expected to be in the range of $25,000- $65,000. Proposals requesting higher levels of funding are scrutinized for impacts commensurate with the grant request.

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  • Holiday Tree with Family
    News  |  01/05/2015

    Most Alameda County jurisdictions offer free tree recycling in early January on your regularly scheduled collection day.

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  • Success Stories   

    StopWaste commissioned this independent field test to determine the feasibility of using reusable plastic containers for shipping and displaying produce in grocery stores. The case study presents lessons learned during the 19-week test conducted at two Andronico's supermarkets and two Food Maxx wholesale grocery outlets.

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    Learn more about the free service for residential landlords to dispose of their tenant's hazardous waste. This packet contains forms and instructions for creating an account.

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  • Bay-Friendly Coalition logo
    News  |  12/18/2014

    Author and landscape architect Robert Perry will be giving a talk about the water needs of landscape plants and how to successfully combine good aesthetic expression and sound water conservation practices. Event dates: San Francisco on February 11, 2015 and Oakland on February 12, 2015.

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    Resolution 2014-2 (11/30/2014): Revisions to Resolution 2006-12 Rule 2, regarding fund balances of recycling fund per capita allocations applied to the Measure D Annual Reports submitted each year.


    As part of the Strategic Workplan adopted in July, 2010, the WMA and Recycling Boards directed staff to
    convene a Franchise Task Force to examine member agency hauling, disposal, and processing
    agreements. The objective is to provide recommendations to member agencies that will enable
    Alameda County to reach the highest diversion rate without significant adverse consequences (e.g.,
    harm to public health, cost, etc.). This memo contains those recommendations.

