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  • binapplication

    Free indoor bins are available to qualifying Alameda County businesses, institutions, and multi-family residential properties (5+ units) for the collection of food scraps, compostable paper and plant debris (“organics”). A variety of containers and lids are available—up to a value of $500 per approved site including tax and delivery. Download the application form for more information.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    Historically, residents in multifamily buildings have faced barriers to improving their homes. In many cases, buildings are not maintained, and retrofits are long overdue. To address this challenge, StopWaste is working with local partners to implement energy efficiency projects in multifamily properties that also improve resident comfort, safety and health.

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    Welcome - Angela Sandoval, Manager, Zero Waste Section, U.S. EPA Region 9


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  • News  |  12/15/2021

    A coalition of public, nonprofit, and academic partners led by StopWaste is one of only 60 groups nationwide to be named as a finalist in the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge.

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  • bin inventory worksheet

    A new California State law, SB 1383, aims to keep food and other compostable materials ("organics") out of landfills to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. Use this worksheet to help determine the indoor recycling, organics, and garbage containers needed to set your site up for success.

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    Download and review the Waste Prevention Grant Program Information Packet before starting the application for an overview of the program, evaluation and criteria, budget templates, insurance requirements, examples of eligible/ineligible projects, and more.

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    In Alameda County, owners of multi-family properties with five or more units are required by law to provide tenants with recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and plant debris) collection services and information.This flyer template can be modified to provide answers to common trash and recycling questions.

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  • Posters   

    This one page summary of state mandates for California public schools covers AB827, AB341, AB1826 and SB1383.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    For the past decade, StopWaste has been strengthening our partnerships with food recovery organizations to better understand their needs. As part of this effort, we convene the Alameda County Food Recovery Network, which includes a wide range of food recovery organizations, grantees, and other community groups such as faith-based organizations and housing agencies.

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    El objetivo de este kit de herramientas es proporcionar un enfoque práctico paso a paso para los agricultores urbanos de cualquier escala para comenzar el compostaje en la granja agrícola, evaluar y mejorar el sistema existente, y convertirse en maestros compostadores.

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