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StopWaste Model Ordinance for Food Service Packaging Reduction and Reuse

This Model Ordinance provides a menu of policy options for Cities in Alameda County to consider adopting as part of their efforts to address single-use plastics and food packaging waste issues. These policies prioritize reuse and the reduction of disposable materials used in food service and beverage packaging. The model ordinance offers comprehensive and vetted policy language while preserving maximum flexibility for member agencies to advance an approach that meets their needs; specific modules can be easily customized and included or removed. 

The primary objective of the Model Ordinance is to reduce the demand for and consumption of problematic single-use foodware items, such as plastic and paper cups, plates, and utensils, that contribute to litter/ocean pollution, contaminate compost and recycling collection programs, and contribute to consumption-related greenhouse gas emissions.

Download the Model Ordinance

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Updated 5-23-2023
