Teleconference/Public Participation Information to Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19
This meeting will be entirely by teleconference. All Board members, staff, and the public will only participate via the Zoom platform using the process described below. The meeting is being conducted in compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 suspending certain teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act. The purpose of this order was to provide the safest environment for the public, elected officials, and staff while allowing for continued operation of the government and public participation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Board members, staff, and members of the public may attend and participate in the meeting by:
1. Calling 1 (669) 900-6833 and entering meeting ID 675 159 9917
2. Using the Zoom website or App and entering meeting code 675 159 9917.
During the meeting the chair will explain the process for members of the public to be recognized to offer public comment. The process for online meetings is described here. The public may also comment during the meeting by sending an e-mail to prior to the closed of public comment on the item being addressed. Each e-mail will be read into the record for up to three minutes.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Governor’s Executive Order, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting due to a disability, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (510) 891-6517. Notification 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable the agency to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
Members are asked to please advise the board or the council if you might need to leave before action items are completed.
An opportunity is provided for any member of the public wishing to speak on any matter within the jurisdiction of the boards or council, but not listed on the agenda. Total time limit of 30 minutes with each speaker limited to three minutes unless a shorter period of time is set by the President.
Approval of the Draft Minutes of February 26, 2020 (Wendy Sommer)
Funded Status Policy (Pat Cabrera)
That the WMA approve the following:
1. As part of the FY 20-21 budget include an additional lump sum payment to CalPERS of approximately $1.4M to pay towards the Agency’s unfunded accrued liability (UAL).
2. Adopt an unfunded pension status goal of at least 95%.
3. Include additional annual payments towards the Agency’s UAL, depending on funding availability, to achieve 100% pension funded status by the beginning of FY 25-26.
First Reading and Public Hearing for Ordinance 2020-01: Repeal Existing Countywide Element and Adopt New Countywide Element of the Alameda County Integrated Waste Management Plan. (Meghan Starkey)
The Planning Committee/Recycling Board (in its role as Local Task Force) and the Programs and Administration Committee recommend that the WMA Board hold a public hearing at the March 25, 2020, meeting and introduce and waive the first reading of an ordinance to (1) repeal the existing Summary Plan and Siting Element of the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan (CoIWMP) referred to collectively as the “Countywide Element,” (2) adopt a new Countywide Element that would update and replace the existing Countywide Element, and (3) provide that future amendments to the Countywide Element may be adopted by resolution, and also recommend that the WMA Board direct staff to place the ordinance on the consent calendar for adoption at the April 22, 2020, meeting.
Reusable Food Ware Pilot Projects (Justin Lehrer)
Authorize staff to transfer $400,000 from existing fund balance to Project 3280: Reusable Food Ware for use in implementing reusable food ware pilot projects.
Legislative Positions for 2020 (Jeff Becerra)
That the WMA Board adopt the recommended positions for the 2020 session of the California Legislature.
Interim appointment(s) to the Recycling Board for WMA appointee unable to attend future Board Meeting(s) (Arliss Dunn)
The April 9, 2020 Planning Committee and Recycling Board meeting will not be held in lieu of a joint meeting of the WMA Board, Energy Council, and Recycling Board on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
Tim Rood, WMA President
City of Piedmont, WMA, EC
Deborah Cox, WMA 1st Vice President, EC President
City of San Leandro, WMA, EC
Shelia Young, WMA 2nd Vice President
Oro Loma Sanitary District, WMA
Melissa Hernandez, EC 1st Vice President
City of Dublin, WMA, EC
Dan Kalb, EC 2nd Vice President
City of Oakland, WMA, EC
Jim Oddie, City of Alameda, WMA, EC
Keith Carson, County of Alameda, WMA, EC
Nick Pilch, City of Albany, WMA, EC
Susan Wengraf, City of Berkeley, WMA, EC
Dave Sadoff, Castro Valley Sanitary District, WMA
Dianne Martinez, City of Emeryville, WMA, EC
Jenny Kassan, City of Fremont, WMA, EC
Francisco Zermeño, City of Hayward, WMA, EC
Bob Carling, City of Livermore, WMA, EC
Michael Hannon, City of Newark, WMA, EC
Jerry Pentin, City of Pleasanton, WMA, EC
Emily Duncan, City of Union City, WMA, EC
Wendy Sommer, Executive Director