2016 CRRA/CPSC Awards for StopWaste Programs and Staff
Staff from StopWaste and Alameda County were recent recipients of local industry awards at the 2016 California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) Conference in Sacramento this August.
California Resource Recovery Association - Next Generation Recycler Award

StopWaste's 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot) Student Action Program was honored at the 2016 CRRA conference with the Next Generation Recycler award. The 4Rs Student Action Project has helped more than 100 schools and 17 school districts in Alameda County with waste diversion and recycling projects by engaging youth to have a voice, and take action at school and at home to stop waste.
California Product Stewardship Council - Associate of the Year Award
Bill Pollock receives the CPSC Associate of the Year Award, with Debra Kaufman (StopWaste)
Congratulations to Bill Pollock, Alameda County’s Household Hazardous Waste Program Manager. We work closely with Bill, who received the Associate of the Year Award from the California Product Stewardship Council for his outstanding commitment to producer responsibility. He was instrumental in the writing of public take-back ordinances for pharmaceutical and medical waste (sharps).