StopWaste Names Winners of Environmental Leadership Awards

At a recognition event on June 8, StopWaste named the recipients of the 2023 StopWaste Environmental Leadership Awards. Celebrated for the 21st time, this annual awards program honors Alameda County entities for their leadership and innovations in advancing environmental sustainability, waste prevention, and contributions to building healthy, climate-resilient communities in Alameda County.
StopWaste Executive Director Timothy Burroughs noted, “We are truly inspired by this year’s awardees who are courageously challenging the status quo and advancing a more sustainable local economy that is not only good for the planet but also its people. It takes the wisdom and initiative from all sectors—local governments, businesses, nonprofits, the school community and more—to build a future marked by resource efficiency, equity, and economic opportunity. It's an honor to recognize these leaders who are an inspiration to all of us.”
The award winners and categories are:
Fertile GroundWorks – Livermore
Excellence in Community Engagement
Common Vision and Good Eggs – Oakland
Excellence in Food Donation Partnerships
Bay Cities Produce – San Leandro
Excellence in Food Waste Prevention and Equity
Barnett Plumbing and Water Heaters – Livermore
Excellence in Advancing Electrification
FUSD’s Climate Literacy and Environmental Education Network – Fremont
Excellence in Sustainability at School
To read more about each awardee’s achievements and view or download the presentation slides, visit