Meeting is wheelchair accessible. Sign language interpreter may be available upon five (5) days notice by calling 510-891-6500. Members of the public wanting to add an item to a future agenda may contact 510-891-6500.
Members are asked to please advise the board or the council if you might need to leave before action items are completed
Approval of the Draft Minutes of October 26, 2016 (Wendy Sommer)
Executive Director Contract Amendment (Dan Kalb, WMA President)
The Board’s negotiating team recommends that the Board approve an amendment to the Executive Director’s contract approving a salary increase.
Grants Under $50,000 (Wendy Sommer)
An opportunity is provided for any member of the public wishing to speak on any matter within the jurisdiction of the boards or council, but not listed on the agenda. Total time limit of 30 minutes with each speaker limited to three minutes.
Contract/Vendor Authorization (Pat Cabrera)
Staff recommends that the Authority Board approve the contracts, vendors and/or spending authority as listed in the staff report.
Priority Setting: Guiding Principles (Wendy Sommer)
Adopt the Guiding Principles outlined in the staff report to be used for programmatic strategy and budgetary planning through 2018.
Decline DROPS Funding and Amend FY16/17 Budget (Cassie Bartholomew & Kelly Schoonmaker)
Amend the FY16/17 budget by $1.5 million (pass through funds) to reflect the removal of the State Water Resources Control Board DROPS grant and adjust labor hours as appropriate.
Reappointments to the Recycling Board-Board members Peter Maass and Tim Rood
That the Waste Management Authority Board reappoint Board members Maass and Rood to two-year terms on the Recycling Board ending November 18, 2018.
Interim appointment(s) to the Recycling Board for WMA appointee unable to attend future Board Meeting(s) (Wendy Sommer) - ACTION
P&O and Recycling Board meeting, December 8, 2016 at 4:00 pm – StopWaste, 1537 Webster St, Oakland, CA
Dan Kalb, WMA President
City of Oakland, WMA, EC
Michael Hannon, WMA 1st Vice President
City of Newark, WMA,EC
Dave Sadoff, WMA 2nd Vice President
Castro Valley Sanitary District, WMA
Lorrin Ellis, EC President
City of Union City, WMA, EC
Dianne Martinez, EC 1st Vice President
City of Emeryville, WMA, EC
Jim Oddie, EC 2nd Vice President
City of Alameda, WMA, EC
Keith Carson, County of Alameda, WMA, EC
Peter Maass, City of Albany, WMA, EC
Susan Wengraf, City of Berkeley, WMA, EC
Don Biddle, City of Dublin, WMA, EC
Suzanne Lee Chan, City of Fremont, WMA, EC
Laureen Turner, City of Livermore, WMA, EC
Shelia Young, Oro Loma Sanitary District, WMA
Tim Rood, City of Piedmont, WMA, EC
Jerry Pentin, City of Pleasanton, WMA, EC
Deborah Cox, City of San Leandro, WMA, EC
Al Mendall, City of Hayward, WMA, EC
Wendy Sommer, Executive Director