Gardening Web Links
Looking for more information on sheet mulching and gardening? The links below offer a wealth of information from reputable sources outside StopWaste.
- The Bay-Friendly Coalition offers Lose Your Lawn Talks around the Bay Area. Check their listing to find one near you!
- Planting Justice is a grassroots organization with a mission to democratize access to affordable, nutritious food by empowering urban residents with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to maximize organic food production, expand job opportunities, and ensure environmental sustainability in the Bay Area.
- US Composting Council is a national, non-profit trade and professional organization promoting the recycling of organic materials through composting.
- LEAF's mission is to build community through learning and actions that promote sustainability and local food.
- Alameda Backyard Growers is a network of gardeners in Alameda, California who grow their own food and donate extra fruit and vegetables to the Alameda Food Bank.
- The Lawn Reform Coalition is all about reducing or replacing lawn, water-wise lawn species and eco-friendly care for all lawns.