Residential Landlord Hazardous Waste Service

Alameda County offers a free service for residential landlords to drop off their tenant’s hazardous waste. Residential landlords are considered businesses under Federal and State hazardous waste laws, which means they cannot participate in the Alameda County Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Residential Drop-off Service.
To participate in the Residential Landlord HHW Service:
- Provide an EPA Hazardous Waste Identification Number. If you don't already have one, visit the California EPA website or call 800-618-6942.
- Apply for an account with the HHW Program and qualify as a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG).
- Make an appointment by calling 800-606-6606. Landlords must have an account before making appointments and cannot make appointments on-line.
Learn more about the Residential Landlord Service:
Find out what materials are accepted.
- Questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below or call toll-free: 800-606-6606.
1. Provide an EPA Hazardous Waste Identification Number
Your site must have an active EPA Identification Number be get an account with the HHW Program. If you do not already have an EPA ID, they are free and easy to get. To get an EPA ID Number or re-activate an existing number:
Visit the California EPA Website
If you do not use a computer, you can get an EPA Number by calling 800-618-6942.
2. Apply for an Account with the HHW Program
Download the Residential Landlord Packet, and complete and submit the Certification Form, Information Form, and Inventory Form to request an account. The HHW program will review your forms, resolve any questions, and then send a confirmation letter with an account number to those eligible to participate in the program.
Download the Residential Landlord Packet
Submit completed forms by mail, FAX, or email:
Qualify as a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG)
To qualify as a VSQG, fill out and return the Certification Form that is part of the Residential Landlord Packet.
Residential landlords must meet the following criteria:*
- Produce less than 220 lbs. (about 27 gallons) of hazardous waste per month, and less than 2.2 lb. of extremely hazardous waste per month (extremely hazardous wastes are laboratory-type chemicals unlikely to be found in a residential setting).
- Have less than 2200 lbs. of hazardous waste in storage at any time (about 220 full one-gallon cans of paint; or 45 full five-gallon paint pails).
Download the Residential Landlord Packet for more information about California Health and Safety Code section 25218.1 and referenced Federal Regulations. Regulating agencies reserve the right to visit your organization to verify your qualification as a VSQG.
*Latex paint, aerosol cans, household type batteries, and fluorescent lamps are not included in the monthly 220 lb. delivery and 2200 lb. in-storage limits.
3. Call to Make an Appointment
After you receive a confirmation letter with your account number, call 800-606-6606 to schedule an appointment. Landlords cannot make appointments on-line and cannot deliver waste on days when the HHW Facilities are open for residents.
Call 800-606-6606 to Schedule an Appointment
What We Accept:
- Paint and paint-related materials, such as stains, varnishes, roofing tar, adhesives, joint compounds and other petroleum-based products
- Lawn care products, such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers
- Propane tanks and aerosol cans
- Car and truck products, such as motor oil, lubricants, oil filters and antifreeze
- Batteries
- Cleaners
- Fluorescent bulbs
- Pool chemicals
What We Don’t Accept:
Treated wood waste including railroad ties, click for more information
Electronics and small appliances
Large appliances (A/C, refrigerators, stoves, washers, etc.)
- Construction and demolition waste
- Compressed gasses (5 gallon propane tanks and smaller are OK)
- Fire extinguishers
- Asbestos
- Explosives, radioactive material
- Contaminated soil debris, plastic sheeting or other waste from site cleanups or lead paint removal activities
- We will not accept unknowns, such as unlabeled chemicals
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can participate in the Residential Landlord HHW Service?
Owners of rental housing in Alameda County and Condo Owners Associations which are located in and generate the waste in Alameda County may use the HHW Residential Landlord Service if they qualify as a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSGS). A residential landlord having 4 or fewer units on the same parcel and whose legal residence is in one of the units is considered a household and may use the residential Household Hazardous Waste drop-off service.
How do I qualify as a Very Small Quantity Generator?
Download the Residential Landlord Service Packet and complete and submit the Certification Form. To qualify as a VSQG, a residential landlord must meet the following criteria:
- Produce less than 220 lbs. (about 27 gallons) of hazardous waste per month, and less than 2.2 lb. of extremely hazardous waste per month (extremely hazardous wastes are laboratory-type chemicals unlikely to be found in a residential setting)
- Have less than 2200 lbs. of hazardous waste in storage at any time (about 220 full one-gallon cans of paint; or 45 full five-gallon paint pails)
Are there limits to how much waste I can bring?
Federal and State laws limit the amount of waste a HHW program may accept from a business to 220 pounds of waste per month. The 220-pound limit does not apply to: latex paint, aerosol cans, household batteries or fluorescent lamps.
How do I transport my waste safely?
A landlord or property owner or their employee must transport waste from their property. A for-hire hauler cannot deliver waste for another company.
- Transport waste in containers that prevent leaks, are securely closed, in good condition, with no hazardous residue on the outside of the container.
- Each waste container must be impervious to, and not damaged by, the waste contents. Waste with liquid or volatile ingredients must be in a hermetically sealed container. For a dry solid waste, a thick, sealed plastic bag up to 5 gallons in size may be adequate. If waste is sharp or could break use a rigid puncture-resistant container.
- Do not mix waste types in a container, prevent mixing of incompatible chemicals.
- Mark or label each container if contents are not clearly indicated.
- Pack, load and brace waste in vehicle to prevent movement, breakage, damage or spill. Prevent incompatible wastes from mixing during transport.
- HHW staff will unload waste. Remain in the vehicle unless asked to step out. Pack waste to be easily accessible to HHW staff, not in passenger area. The site will keep containers.
What are some best practices for collecting household hazardous waste from tenants?
Inform tenants of their responsibility to handle their hazardous waste safely.
Consider making proper waste disposal part of the lease agreement and an element of the security deposit.
- Give tenants a flyer about the HHW program when they move in or out and periodically, for seasonal clean-ups (Flyers at:
- Inform tenants of local options: some paint stores, hardware stores and oil changers take back some common items such as paint, batteries, fluorescent lamps, E-waste and used oil. Many pharmacies accept un-needed medications.
- Find recycling and disposal options online with our RE:Source guide.
- Landlords may also use some local options for small quantities of business waste subject to the terms and conditions of each store.
- Inspect property for the presence of hazardous building materials - mercury thermostats, building or landscape maintenance chemicals, electronics or appliances, treated wood or asbestos - that need special management.
- Use qualified contractors to do demolition or manage materials that need special handling or that cannot be disposed of at the HHW program.
Learn more about the free service for residential landlords to dispose of their tenant's hazardous waste. This packet contains forms and instructions for creating an account.