An important step in purchasing environmentally preferable products for an agency or business is to gain management support. Adopting an agency-wide or corporate Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy can help with this effort. This website offers a Model Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Policy that provides a menu of purchasing policy options. StopWaste's Green Purchasing Resources include a guide to purchasing strategies for green maintenance and operations, and product fact sheets with lists of local suppliers. Alameda County public agencies, institutions and businesses interested in more information about this policy or about buying EPP products can contact Rachel Balsley at (510) 891-6500.
Other resources include:
- Alameda County and the General Services Agency share their resources and experiences to promote green purchasing in public agencies. Policies, success stories, bids, specifications and other resources are available.
- The U.S. EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines give recycled content recommendations for eight different types of products, including construction, landscaping, office (non-paper), paper, park and recreation, transportation, automotive and miscellaneous products.
- The State of California EPP (Environmentally Preferable Purchasing) Buying Green Guide can assist in finding and selecting environmentally preferable products.
- The Responsible Purchasing Network is a non-profit organization established to help state and local governments and other large purchasers incorporate environmental considerations into their purchasing decisions. The website contains examples of government environmental purchasing policies and other purchasing resources. Note that some resources are available to members only.
- The non-profit third-party certification organization, Green Seal, provides lists of green certified products and works with government and industry to develop product standards and resources.
- UL Environment's (ULE) Sustainable Product Guide lists third-party certified products that have achieved certification/validation by ULE.
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Where can government agencies or larger businesses find more resources on environmentally preferable purchasing?
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Where can government agencies or larger businesses find more resources on environmentally preferable purchasing?