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Reusable Transport Packaging Equipment Grants

Transport packaging materials such as plastic pallet wrap, low-grade wood pallets, cardboard boxes, and dunnage are used in manufacturing, transportation, and distribution. Typically discarded after one use, these materials contribute significantly to waste. For example, single-use plastic film used to wrap pallets makes up half the weight of all plastics disposed by businesses in Alameda County.
Replacing disposable plastic film with reusable pallet wraps or rubber pallet bands not only prevents waste but also saves money and makes securing loads onto pallets faster and safer for workers. Other reusable transport packaging materials eligible for grant funding include durable pallets, hand-held crates, bulk containers, refillable drums, and dunnage.

For more information about reusable transport packaging, visit our site or watch this 3-minute intro video.

Who can apply

  • This grant is available to nonprofits, businesses, institutions, and school districts.
  • Organizations with open grants will need to contact to assess repeat funding eligibility.

Eligible projects

  • Reusable Transport Packaging projects must reduce transport packaging waste generated in Alameda County OR reduce packaging used to transport materials/products originating outside of Alameda County that are shipped with an end destination in Alameda County.
  • Projects that seek to replace repurposed materials (such as used cardboard boxes that are donated to your organization) are not eligible.

Grant application timeline

  • Application Opens: January 6, 2025
  • Application Closes: February 24, 2025
  • Grant Awardes Announced: March 12, 2025
  • If funds remain, grants will continue to be awarded on a first come, first serve basis.

Funding amounts

  • Up to $75,000 is available for eligible Reusable Transport Packaging Equipment Grants, with a maximum of $10,000 per applicant.
  • Applicants may not apply for two equipment grants simultaneously (i.e. applicants must choose to apply to either a Reusable Transport Packaging Grant or a Surplus Food Donation Equipment Grant).



Free assistance available

Have a grant project idea but need help? Our technical assistance representative can provide equipment and vendor information, cost benefit analysis, and help with return logistics. This support is available both before grant applications are submitted, as well as during implementation of awarded grant projects. Request assistance from Reusable Transport Packaging Grant Manager, Michelle Fay, here.

Grantee Highlights

Elder Care Alliance: Reusable Pallet Wraps

The Mercy Brown Bag Program, a project based out of the Mercy Retirement and Care Center in Oakland, distributes groceries to over 8,000 older adults twice a month, free of charge. The nonprofit purchased 40 reusable pallet wraps to replace disposable plastic wrap used to secure pallets of groceries for transport to senior facilities throughout Alameda County. Staff appreciate that with the new durable wraps they no longer have to cover pallets in multiple layers of plastic stretch wrap, making shipment preparation easier and less strenuous. In addition, the reusable wraps eliminate the purchase and disposal of over 27,000 pounds of plastic wrap each year.

Drakes Brewing: Reusable Pallet Wraps & Rubber Pallet Bands

Drakes Brewing Company in San Leandro moves pallets with kegs and other materials between facilities at their large production site and to offsite tap rooms. With the help of a StopWaste grant, they replaced the disposable plastic film used to secure loads to the pallets with reusable pallet wraps for heavier loads and with reusable rubber pallet bands for lighter loads, such as empty kegs. In the first year alone, the switch eliminated 290,000 square feet of plastic wrap. In addition to cost savings, the reusable solutions also save time because they are easier to apply and have improved worker safety.

Philz Coffee: Reusable Pallets

Philz Coffee made weekly shipments of green coffee beans from their logistics warehouse in San Leandro to the Philz Coffee Roasting Plant in Oakland, using wooden pallets that had to be replaced frequently. With the help of a StopWaste grant they purchased 170 heavy duty, reusable plastic pallets to replace the wooden pallets, eliminating the recurring, annual purchase of 3,276 wooden pallets and 65,520 pounds in pallet waste. In addition, the reusable pallets stack better and take up less storage space.

Full Belly Farm: Reusable Totes

Full Belly Farm grows seasonal organic produce and delivers directly to dozens of restaurants, markets, and residential member pickup sites throughout Alameda County. With help from a StopWaste grant, Full Belly Farm purchased 2,000 stackable plastic totes to eliminate the recurring purchase of waxed cardboard boxes for transporting produce. The reusables prevent more than 8,000 waxed cardboard boxes from going to landfill and save the farm over $14,000 in avoided cardboard purchases annually.  

Surplus Service: Bulk Bins & Carts 

Surplus Service is an e-waste recycler located in Fremont, CA with a focus on reuse and repair. Medical and electronic equipment was collected in cardboard gaylord boxes on pallets, and those were then recycled after a single use. These were replaced with sturdy wheeled bins to collect electronics at client sites and stackable reusable plastic bulk containers for use in the warehouse. This switch to reusables saves Surplus Service over $15,000 on avoided packaging costs each year. 
