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Multifamily Buildings

Property owners and tenants: Looking for recycling requirements for multifamily buildings? Go to Recycling Rules Alameda County.

In 2017, the StopWaste Energy Council received a $1 million grant from the California Energy Commission to manage a project that will increase the number of energy upgrades in the California's existing multifamily buildings through policy research and tool development. 

Grant Deliverables

Low-Cost Assessment Tool


Rental Housing Potential Study

For more information, contact Ben Cooper.

Multifamily Benchmarking Report

Recommendations to Improve Tenant Access to Energy Efficiency Data


Convening of the Multifamily Home Energy Retrofit Coordinating Committee (MF HERCC)

Since 2010, StopWaste has convened the Multifamily Subcommittee of the U.S. EPA's California Home Energy Retrofit Coordinating Committee.

As chair of the MF HERCC, StopWaste works with stakeholders in the multifamily sector to develop multifamily energy upgrade program design recommendations and standards. These recommendations have influenced the design of ratepayer-funded multifamily energy upgrade programs, leading to increased participation.

MF Benchmarking Factsheet

View the MF HERCC's final reports
