Urban All Wood Bin

- For plant trimmings alone, or fruit & vegetable scraps mixed with plant trimmings
- Has 2 front doors for easy harvesting and turning, a top that doubles as a sifter, and a full wire mesh lining
- Produces small to large amounts of compost
- Carpentry skills needed for construction
- $100 - $120 for new materials
- (8) 8' 1x6 wood
- (2) 8' 2x4 wood
- (1)10' 2x4 wood
- (3) 6' 1x4 wood
- 15' 1/4" wire mesh hardware cloth
- (4) 5" drawer handles
- (8) 1 l/2" hooks and eyes
- (8) 4" corner brackets with l/2" wood screws
- Waterproof wood glue
- (20+) 8 penny galvanized nails
- (125+) 6 penny galvanized nails or screws, and a power drill driver can be used instead (250+) 3/4" poultry wire staples
*Bin dimensions based on planed wood
- Power saw (use eye protection) or handsaw
- Screwdriver
- Hammer
- Measuring tape
- Pencil
- Square
- Drill with 1/16" bit
- Sandpaper.
Assembly (glue all wood pieces before nailing)
- Nail 2x4 bottom frame together with the larger nails. Be sure the finish dimension is 30 l/2x31 l/4"
- Build sides by nailing bottom and top 31 l/4" 1x6s to the 2x4s (use smaller nails). Be sure bottom 1x6s hang down 3 l/2" below 2x4 uprights (see overhang detail). Fill in the remaining 1x6s equally spaced, with no gaps larger than 1/4"
- Attach sides to base by nailing 3 1/2" overhang to base as drawn (with smaller nails). Toenail 2x4 uprights into bottom frame with larger nails. 4. Nail the six 32" 1x6s to back by first attaching the top and bottom pieces, then filling in the remaining four, spaced equally
- Before cutting pieces for the front doors, measure the actual opening at the front of the bin, and make sure to cut the 1x6s just l/8 1/4" smaller than the opening. Build top door by nailing three 1x6s to the two 17 3/4" 2x4s with 1/4" between each board as shown. Build bottom door by first nailing on the top two 1x6s(1/4" apart), then measuring the remaining space, and cutting the last 1x6 lengthwise to fit
- Attach eyes to front 2x4 uprights, and hooks to front doors as drawn
- Build lid by pre drilling and tacking together as drawn (using smaller nails), making sure the finished dimension is 35x35" and square. Then pre drill and screw the corner brackets to the inside corners, and the top 1x4s into place. Cut a 33x36" piece of wire screen and staple it in as shown in detail drawing
- Cut remaining screen to fit - staple side, back and door pieces inside bin on 1x6s (not over 2x4s). Staple bottom piece onto the underside of bin.