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More Resources for Reducing Waste

Looking for more information on waste prevention and reuse? The links below offer a wealth of information from reputable sources outside StopWaste.

  • Oregon Department of Environmental Quality offers extensive information on waste prevention topics ranging from drinking water and packaging to food rescue and resource efficient construction.
  • The University of Toronto’s Sustainability Office is an excellent source for practical information about reducing paper use.
  • Love Food Hate Waste, a campaign from the UK’s WRAP program, specializes in resources for preventing food waste including recipes for using leftovers, a portion calculator, and funny pictures of food!
  • The California Product Stewardship Council brings together local government entities, businesses and others to further Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs in California. EPR, or Product Stewardship, directs all actors in the life cycle of a product to minimize the impacts of that product on the environment. This shift in responsibility provides an incentive for manufacturers to consider factors such as waste minimization, reusability and recyclability at the product design stage.
  • WasteWise is a free and voluntary waste reduction program for businesses and institutions, founded and coordinated by the U.S. EPA. The program offers free technical assistance, a web-based data management tool, an awards program, and educational materials.
  • The King  County Solid Waste Division is a local government program in Washington State that provides information about waste reduction strategies for businesses.
  • The Seattle Green Business Program, a service of Seattle Public Utilities, offers information to help businesses reduce paper use, stop junk mail, and reuse e-waste.
  • The County of Los Angeles’ SmartBusiness Recycling program has prepared a series of downloadable documents about waste reduction for specific business types such as eating establishments, manufacturers, and offices.
  • Cal Recycle, the California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery, offers information about reducing office paper use, as well as case studies, posters, and signs to promote waste prevention.
  • NYC Waste Match facilitates the exchange of used and surplus goods for businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. The service is only for New York City based organizations, but the website contains success stories that illustrate how businesses can save money and help the environment by working together to reuse materials.
  • Eco-Cycle offers resources and tools to help communities move toward Zero Waste systems.