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    When West Advertising moved into their current location in Alameda, they took the opportunity to renovate and green their new building and grounds, and to improve day-to-day office operations.


    Monkey Bars in Alameda is changing the way we think about children’s accessories by providing hip and stylish alternatives that are healthy for kids and the planet.

  • Harbor Bay Success Story
    Success Stories   

    Learn how the Harbor Bay Median relandscaping project in Alameda used sheet mulch to replace 2.5 acres of conventional grass medians with a Bay-Friendly landscape that enhances the spectacular shoreline setting. Sheet mulching the median turf instead of excavating it kept 221 tons of turf out of the landfill.The new landscape has saved more than 9 million gallons of water in three years.

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  • Brochures   

    A one page flyer that shows the process of how our food scraps are turned into compost.

  • Breakers at Bayport Apartments
    Success Stories   

    In March 2006, Resources for Community Development (RCD) completed construction on a 62-unit community of affordable-rate homes on Alameda Island that features energy-efficient construction, rainwater-catching bioswales and low-water landscaping.

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  • Reports   

    This PDF contains current rate information for the following services:

    • Solid Waste and Recycling Services Offered in Basic Rate Package 
    • Monthly Rates for Residential Solid Waste/Recycling/Plant Debris/Bulky Clean Up 
    • Rates for Commercial Solid Waste/Recycling/Plant Debris/Bulky Clean Up

    (updated 9-24-24)

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  • College of Alameda
    Success Stories   

    The College of Alameda, one of four Peralta Community Colleges, renovated its campus entry landscaping as part of its Sustainable Peralta campaign. The new entry landscape makes a visible statement about the College's commitment to environmental stewardship and signifies a move away from traditional resource-intensive landscape designs.

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  • Policies   

    City of Alameda Construction and Demolition Ordinance

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    Each school district in Alameda County contracts for their own garbage and recycling collection service and provides their own classroom recycling bin.  StopWaste.Org's irecycle@school program provides the educational program support and indoor classroom signage material to support student's understanding and practice of the 4Rs.

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  • VF Outdoor's Bay-Friendly Rated office campus in Alameda
    Success Stories   

    The office campus of VF Outdoor in Alameda features a sustainable landscape design that reflects the company's global environmental goals. The landscape includes a water-conserving and climate-responsive plant palette suited to the environmentally sensitive coastal setting, an edible garden that provides healthy food to the campus cafeteria, and a variety of outdoor spaces for meetings, relaxation and recreation.

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