SB 1383 Compliant Compost & Mulch Products
Since January 1, 2022, cities and counties in California have been required by SB 1383 to procure a minimum amount of products made from recycled organic waste each year. Cities and counties can meet the requirement by procuring products for their own use or to give away. They can also meet this requirement through agreements with direct service providers to use the products on behalf of the jurisdiction. Recycled organic waste products that can satisfy the procurement requirements are compost and mulch, as well as renewable natural gas and electricity produced from biomass.
Due to the limited availability of renewable natural gas and electricity from biomass, Alameda County jurisdictions will depend mainly on procurement of compost and mulch to comply with SB 1383. To be counted toward a jurisdiction’s SB 1383 procurement target, compost and mulch MUST:
- be produced at a permitted composting facility (not including chip and grind facilities),
- be produced from materials diverted from landfill, and
- meet state limits on pathogens, inert contaminants, and heavy metals
Examples of products that do NOT count toward procurement targets:
- Mulch produced by the jurisdiction from local tree trimming and clearing
- Mulch produced at chipping and grinding operations as defined in 14 CCR § 17852
- Virgin materials (including all bark mulch and playground fiber)
- Digestate - uncomposted
- Biosolids/sewage sludge - uncomposted
- Manure - uncomposted
- Tires and other recycled non-organic materials
To support Alameda County jurisdictions affected by procurement requirements, StopWaste worked with composters, commercial suppliers, and retailers to develop a list of sources that offer SB 1383-compliant materials for procurement. Product names and availability change over time; the accuracy of this list is not guaranteed. Please contact vendors directly to confirm availability of SB 1383 compliant material before ordering.
If you have questions about this list, or are a vendor and would like to update your information, please email Ben Duggan at