VF Outdoor, Inc.
VF Outdoor, a division of VF Corp. that focuses on outdoor and athletic apparel, recently moved three of its leading brands, JanSport, lucy and The North Face, to a new headquarters in Alameda. While moving more than 470 employees, the company avoided using an estimated 11,000 cardboard boxes needed for the move by renting reusable moving crates instead. Comparable in cost to traditional cardboard moving boxes, this solution also required significantly less labor. This commitment to reducing waste is also part of the ongoing operations at the Alameda campus. For example, in the campus café, employees are encouraged to use reusable food ware rather than disposable options, and all to-go containers are compostable. Additionally, the campus recycles 86 percent of all waste; collects hard-to-recycle materials like textiles, batteries and thin film plastic; and uses locally sourced, recycled mulch to control weeds and conserve irrigation water. To top it all off, their new facility has earned the Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape designation, is seeking LEED Gold certification and is tracking towards net-zero energy certification thanks to the power supplied by onsite solar panels and wind turbines.