StopWaste School Waste Audit Resources

Why do a waste audit investigation?
A waste audit can help identify the types and quantities of waste produced in a particular waste stream. By doing a waste audit and becoming a garbologist (a person who studies garbage) we can make a real-time assessment of sorting and waste behavior on campus. We can answer questions like how much of our waste stream could have been recycled or composted or what are we not seeing in our waste stream that is a cause for celebration?
By understanding your waste stream, you can identify opportunities and develop strategies to educate your peers and reduce waste.
Download our quick how-to-guide that outlines the general steps for setting up and leading a waste audit on campus.
Below are tools and resources to support your school waste audit.
- Template Custodian Letter
- School Binventory Assessment Worksheet
- School Site Assessment Form & Template School Site Assessment Report
- Sample Waste Audit Data Sheet
- Waste Audit Procedures
- Example Waste Audit Report - Dublin High School
- Example Waste Audit Report - Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School
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