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Grants Available to Alameda County Nonprofits for Waste Reduction Programs

StopWaste is offering funds to support innovative waste reduction programs through its Competitive Grants Program. Grants will be awarded to nonprofit organizations in Alameda County that have implemented innovative projects to increase individual and community involvement in waste reduction and recycling efforts, decrease the amount of waste generated and sent to landfills, and encourage the development, marketing and use of recycled products.Grant funds range from $25,000-$65,000. The deadline to apply is March 17, 2014.

StopWaste Environmental Leadership Awards

This annual awards program honors Alameda County entities for their leadership and innovations in advancing environmental sustainability, waste prevention, and contributions to building healthy, climate resilient communities in Alameda County. Since the inception of the awards program in 2000, well over 100 Alameda County businesses and institutions have been recognized.

The 2024 awards were held during the Alameda County Recycling Board meeting on Thursday, June 13 at 4:00 p.m., at the StopWaste offices, 1537 Webster Street in Oakland.

Bread Workshop

This artisanal bakery in Berkeley relocated and grew its business. Green building materials and techniques were used during building renovations. The move presented an opportunity to set up composting and recycling programs that have reduced waste by over 95%. 

American Licorice

StopWaste helped food manufacturer American Licorice purchase a spiral dryer that prevents the creation of 150 tons of candy-waste a year. Through this and a variety of other measures, the company has reduced waste by 98%, saving $48,000 a year.

Outsmarting Food Waste from Student Dining

UC Berkeley is implementing food waste tracking systems at the four largest residential dining halls on campus. Specialized equipment and software helps kitchen staff weigh, record and analyze pre-consumer food and portion sizes, allowing them to identify and prevent food waste at the source. The new program is projected to reduce pre-consumer food waste by at least 40%, resulting in 107 tons of food waste and associated costs avoided each year.

Preventing Waste for Businesses and Institutions

While recycling is great for a company’s bottom line, preventing waste by reducing and reusing is even better. By stopping waste before it starts you can reap more cost savings than recycling alone, and improve efficiency at the same time. In addition, by rooting out waste, your organization shows it cares for the community and the environment, and helps make Alameda County a great place to live and work.

Reusable Transport Packaging

The StopWaste “Use Reusables” Campaign offers educational resources, expert advice, and grants to help businesses make the switch to reusable transport packaging. Transport packaging includes pallets, boxes, crates and other containers used to ship ingredients, parts and products between producers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.

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