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Recycling Services by City

Each city in Alameda County makes its own arrangements with waste and recycling haulers, in an effort to provide businesses and organizations with the highest quality service and best rates for garbage, recycling and composting collection. Select the appropriate link below for information in the city where you are located.

Recycling Signage

StopWaste recommends that you post prominent signs on or near the recycling and garbage containers clearly indicating which are for garbage and which are for recycling. Use posters or decals that contain drawings or pictures of the materials that go into each container. This helps people understand with a quick glance how to sort the materials properly.

Recycle and Compost

Find out what goes in your curbside bins

  • Items going in the recycling should be empty, clean and dry, and free of food and liquids. 
  • Make sure you only put what's allowed in the recycling and green carts. Visit our RE:Source guide to search for what is acceptable in your city's curbside program.  

Reduce, Reuse, Repair

Preventing waste doesn't have to be complicated. It starts with simple changes in daily habits—like making grocery shopping lists so you buy just what you need to avoid wasting food. Or stashing reusable shopping bags next to your door or in your car. Reducing and reusing keeps money in your pocket and can do a lot of good for our communities and the environment. Keep reading for easy tips you can implement today.


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