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Lawn to Landscape with Sheet Mulch

Sheet mulching is a zero waste way to convert turf areas of any size to water-saving landscapes adapted to California's dry summer climate. 

Sheet mulching is basically a layered mulch system. First you place a biodegradable weed barrier such as recycled cardboard on top of mowed or flattened weeds or grass. Then you layer compost and mulch on top of the cardboard. You can plant trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals right through the sheet mulch. 

How-to Sheet Mulch

This one page brochure covers the basic steps for sheet mulching your lawn. It's an easy process of layering cardboard and mulch right on top of the grass. Plus, you can plant your new garden right into the mulch.

Go From Lawn to Garden

Did you know that you don't need chemicals to kill your water-thirsty lawn? Sheet mulching is an easy process of layering cardboard and mulch right on top of the grass. Plus, you can plant your new garden straight into the mulch. Our Lawn to Garden website has resources that will make your lawn conversion projects easier, including a directory of vendors who provide bulk compost, mulch and other sheet mulch materials. 

The Benefits of Sheet Mulching:

Bay-Friendly Basics

Bay-Friendly Basics are nine fundamental steps for creating a healthy garden or landscape that saves water and reduces waste. Many jurisdictions in Alameda County require certain landscape construction projects to meet the Bay-Friendly Basics requirements. Even if local regulations don't require your project to be Bay-Friendly, these practices make good sense for almost all landscape projects.

Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Mulch and Mulch Case Study

The Mulch Guide (available in English and Spanish) has detailed information about using mulch to save money, control weeds, and create healthy landscapes. It includes information on types of mulch and how to use them successfully, sample maintenance specifications, information about using mulch for erosion control, photos of mulch installations and more. 

The Mulch Case Study showcases the experience of a local landscape professional with chipping and reusing plant debris as mulch. 


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