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SB 1383 Compliant Compost & Mulch Products

Since January 1, 2022, cities and counties in California have been required by SB 1383 to procure a minimum amount of products made from recycled organic waste each year. Cities and counties can meet the requirement by procuring products for their own use or to give away. They can also meet this requirement through agreements with direct service providers to use the products on behalf of the jurisdiction. Recycled organic waste products that can satisfy the procurement requirements are compost and mulch, as well as renewable natural gas and electricity produced from biomass.

The Worm Count

Worms are the poster child of healthy soil. They are the most efficient and hardworking invertebrates in the soil ecosystem for decomposing dead plants and animals and producing castings rich in organic matter. Worms happily dwell, burrow, and reproduce in soils with adequate moisture and organic matter. The Worm Count activity provides a very reliable method of measuring the levels of organic matter in your soil.

The Nitty Gritty

Are you a visual learner? If you took a big scoop of soil and hand sorted every little crumb into different categories, what would you find? Among many other things, you would probably have separate piles of sand, silt, and clay. The relative size of each pile of sand, silt, and clay would help determine the type of soil you have. The Nitty Gritty is a nifty tool that helps you determine the type of soil you have and lets you skip the hand sorting!


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