Bay Area Deconstruction Working Group - October 23, 2024
Unlocking Funding for Material Reuse
Agenda – BADWG Reuse Infrastructure
Bay Area Deconstruction Working Group - November 21, 2024
Shifting Practices for Material Reuse
At our October meeting on funding strategies, presenters explored funding strategies to catalyze deconstruction and reuse markets but recognized entrenched barriers in procurement and integration processes optimized for a linear system that limit large-scale demand for reclaimed materials.
Bay Area Deconstruction Working Group - December 12, 2024
The meeting focused on codes and compliance, with discussions on the importance of policy considerations and governance support for deconstruction and reuse, and the role of government in regulating the industry and promoting sustainable practices. The panelists also explored the challenges of tracking materials in the construction supply chain, the potential for misuse of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), and the need for incentives, market building, and effective compliance monitoring.
Bay Area Deconstruction Working Group - September 25, 2024
Since BADWG’s last meetings, deconstruction activities in the Bay Area have been increasing in both frequency and in scope. This is true of both voluntary and mandatory efforts. As the supply of reclaimed products and materials increases, another barrier to closing the loop on circular construction is becoming urgent: generating demand to reuse these salvaged materials.
Bay Area Deconstruction Working Group - May 17, 2022
Welcome - Angela Sandoval, Manager, Zero Waste Section, U.S. EPA Region 9
Right-to-Repair / Warranties
Bay Area Deconstruction Working Group - November 2, 2021
Welcome - Angela Sandoval, Manager, Zero Waste Section, U.S. EPA Region 9
Accelerating Electrification of California’s Multifamily Buildings
Accelerating Multifamily Building Upgrades
In 2017, the StopWaste Energy Council received a $1 million grant from the California Energy Commission to manage a project that will increase the number of energy upgrades in the California's existing multifamily buildings through policy research and tool development. Included below are deliverables from the grant.
Multifamily Buildings
In 2017, the StopWaste Energy Council received a $1 million grant from the California Energy Commission to manage a project that will increase the number of energy upgrades in the California's existing multifamily buildings through policy research and tool development.
Grant Deliverables
Low-Cost Assessment Tool
Rental Housing Potential Study
For more information, contact Ben Cooper.