Video: How to Set Up Indoor Bins at Work (Chinese)
This step-by-step video shows businesses how to set up indoor organics and recycling bins. Learn how to assess your needs, gather materials, and set up indoor recycling stations. Although this video describes the Mandatory Composting & Recycling law, it also applies to the new California State law, SB 1383, that will be implemented In Alameda County under the Organics Reduction & Recycling Ordinance (ORRO). To learn more about SB 1383 and ORRO, click here.
Video: How to Set Up Indoor Bins at Work
This step-by-step video shows businesses how to set up indoor organics and recycling bins. Learn how to assess your needs, gather materials, and set up indoor recycling stations. Although this video describes the Mandatory Composting & Recycling law, it also applies to the new California State law, SB 1383, that will be implemented In Alameda County under the Organics Reduction & Recycling Ordinance (ORRO). To learn more about SB 1383 and ORRO, click here.
Video: How to Set Up Indoor Bins at Work (Spanish)
This step-by-step video shows businesses how to set up indoor organics and recycling bins. Learn how to assess your needs, gather materials, and set up indoor recycling stations. Although this video describes the Mandatory Composting & Recycling law, it also applies to the new California State law, SB 1383, that will be implemented In Alameda County under the Organics Reduction & Recycling Ordinance (ORRO). To learn more about SB 1383 and ORRO, click here.
加州和地方有機垃圾與回收法 (Chinese)
加州的一項新法律,SB 1383,旨在防止食物和其他可生物降解物料(「有機垃圾」)倒入垃圾填埋場,以減少導致氣候變化的排放。根據法律規定:
Ley local y estatal de reciclaje y materiales orgánicos (Spanish)
Una nueva ley estatal en California, SB 1383, tiene como propósito mantener la comida y otros materiales compostables (“orgánicos”) fuera de los vertederos para reducir las emisiones que contribuyen al cambio climático. Bajo esta ley:
Composting food waste reduces CO2e emissions by about 0.4 tons of CO2e compared to landfilling. StopWaste has promoted backyard and commercial composting for decades. All cities in Alameda County provide residential curbside collection of food scraps, food soiled paper and plant debris.
Cal Athletics Partnership
Elementary, middle and high school students from across the County have been showing fans how to properly sort recyclables and compostables from trash at Cal football and basketball games as part of our partnership with Cal Athletics which began in 2014. Now Cal Athletes are helping out at the schools.
Memorial Tabernacle Church
During the last two years, StopWaste has been working with Memorial Tabernacle Church in North Oakland and their Youth Going Green (YGG) Program to help spread the word about the importance of composting, recycling, and energy efficiency programs. We are excited to share the series of tutorial videos we made with their help.
StopWaste's Food Waste Prevention Programs featured in BioCycle Magazine
StopWaste programs to reduce food waste in commercial kitchens and Alameda County schools were recently profiled in BioCycle magazine.
2016 CRRA/CPSC Awards for StopWaste Programs and Staff
Staff from StopWaste and Alameda County were recent recipients of local industry awards at the 2016 California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) Conference in Sacramento this August.