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Template Memo to Employees/Tenants

California State law, SB 1383, aims to keep food and other compostable materials ("organics") out of landfills to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. Support your efforts to educate staff and custodians about your composting and recycling program with a memo that can be emailed, distributed in hard copy, or posted in a high traffic back-of-house area. The template is easy to modify. 

Supplier List for Recycling, Composting, and Trash Containers

A new California State law, SB 1383, aims to keep food and other compostable materials ("organics") out of landfills to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. The new law requires businesses, institutions, and multi-family properties to subscribe to curbside compost and recycling collection service in addition to garbage, and sort materials into proper bins. This Supplier List for Recycling, Composting, and Trash Containers can help you find equipment that matches your needs. 

Service Provider Directory for Businesses

A new California State law, SB 1383, aims to keep food and other compostable materials ("organics") out of landfills to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. Organics, recycling, and garbage haulers vary by jurisdiction. Use this contact list to order new collection service, or to make adjustments to existing services. 

You can find a Service Provider Directory for Multi-Family Properties here.


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