Workshop: Firescaping, 8/22/17
Understanding fire’s preferences can help you make better decisions about landscape design and maintenance.
Understanding fire’s preferences can help you make better decisions about landscape design and maintenance.
Learn how to identify, assess and mitigate risks associated with urban trees.
Learn how proper plant selection can help both trees and understory thrive.
This workshop for landscape professionals covers integrated pest management (IPM) principles and least toxic management strategies with a focus on biocontrol.
Download this flyer for details about the Bay-Friendly Rater Training.
Course date: May 3-4, 2017.
Elementary, middle and high school students from across the County have been showing fans how to properly sort recyclables and compostables from trash at Cal football and basketball games as part of our partnership with Cal Athletics which began in 2014. Now Cal Athletes are helping out at the schools.
This Plant Legend template and example of a filled-out template are adapted from the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard. They can be used to facilitate compliance with the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO).
Join Cal Athletes and the Hoover Elementary community to assist with sheet mulching and garden maintenance projects.
Gone are the days of mowing, but your role is in the garden is still necessary and important. This video gives you tips for dealing with weeds and pests, feeding your soil, and pruning.
Your new garden has likely changed quite a bit over its first year. This video contains a first year checklist that can help you keep your garden healthy and thriving.