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Bay-Friendly Training and Qualification Program for Maintaining Landscapes Sustainably

January 10-31, 2017 (four Tuesdays) in Alameda County

This four-day training is taught by leading experts in soil health, irrigation, plant care, stormwater management, integrated pest management and more. The course includes a combination of in-class lectures, exercises and hands-on activities.

The course is presented by ReScape California and sponsored in Alameda County by StopWaste. For eligible staff of public agencies in Alameda County, StopWaste will pay the entire $495 course fee.  

StopWaste Environmental Educator Training

The StopWaste Environmental Educator Training (SWEET) is a peer-to-peer, experiential course, community engagement and certification program that is by invitation only. The goal of this course is to support the people who manage on-site compost systems at urban farms and/or providing public education at compost hubs, as well as building community connections within the local compost/farm/food growing network.


October 5-7, 2016 in Oakland. FREE for eligible staff of StopWaste's Member Agencies. Register now!

Built Environment Services for Member Agencies


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