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Best Practices in Construction & Demolition Recycling

On October 22, 2015, StopWaste hosted a half-day workshop focused on best practices in meeting and implementing C&D recycling in Alameda County and the Bay Area. Presenters shared their experiences with achieving high diversion rates on building projects seeking to meet code, attain LEED certification, or targeting zero waste. Attendees included builders, contractors, facility operators, designers, and city & county officials.  The audio recording and presentations may be downloaded here.


Alameda County Green Business Program Case Study: Anasa Yoga

Yoga, health, community. These company values are apparent upon a visit to Anasa Yoga in Alameda, CA. The business is also committed to improving the environment - a motivating factor in pursuing Green Business Certification. Jean Marie, LEED AP certified since 2004, designed the studio with students’ health and well-being in mind and was excited to incorporate LEED concepts into the studio’s construction.


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