SB 1383 Procurement Resources for Recovered Organic Waste Products

California State law SB 1383 requires cities and counties to buy products made from recovered organic waste and meet annual procurement targets. Jurisdictions can choose any combination of compost, mulch, renewable natural gas, and electricity from biomass to comply, and can use the organic products directly or give them away. They can also work with direct service providers that use or give away organic products to meet this requirement.
Overview of the Annual Procurement Requirements for Recovered Organic Waste Products
StopWaste's comprehensive overview of the compost procurement requirements under SB 1383, including details on acceptable materials, tips for compliance, and FAQs.
Alameda County Landscape Inventory
This tool maps the landscape area in Alameda County jurisdictions available for compost and mulch application and calculates the amount of compost and mulch that can be applied within a given jurisdiction annually.
1383 Compliant Compost and Mulch Products
StopWaste's list of SB 1383 compliant compost and mulch products is intended to help Alameda County jurisdictions find products that meet their procurement requirements.
Direct Service Provider Tools:
- Model Direct Service Provider Agreement: Template for a contract with direct service provider to procure compost and/or mulch.
- Model Direct Service Provider Reporting Form: Excel template to record all required information for compliance with SB 1383 procurement requirements.
- StopWaste Model Landscape Construction Specification: These landscape specifications can help jurisdictions make sure they are getting high quality compost and mulch that counts towards the SB 1383 procurement requirements. It is intended to be used in new landscape construction and includes sections on submittals, quality assurance, products, execution, and maintenance period using compost and mulch in a variety of different applications, such as sheet mulching for weed control and amending existing soil.
- StopWaste Model Bid Specification: This short document includes specifications for products and submittal requirements to facilitate compliance with SB 1383 procurement requirements.
Compost Distribution Hubs:
Residential compost give away programs can help jurisdictions meet SB 1383 procurement requirements. Jurisdictions can expand their compost giveaway programming by establishing compost hubs, which are locations hosting a large, communal pile of free compost for residents and communities.
- Compost Hub Program Guide: Resource for planning a year-round compost giveaway program with a community-based organization partner (urban farm, community garden, etc.).
- Model Memorandum of Understanding for Compost Hubs: Template for an agreement between a jurisdiction and community-based organization partner hosting a Compost Hub.