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Where should I put my bin?

It is best to put your backyard bin directly on the soil and out of the direct sun. Placing it on the soil (instead of concrete) allows decomposers easy access to the pile. Direct sun can dry out a pile and require more careful monitoring of the moisture. Over time the sun can also damage the integrity of a plastic bin. Most important is to place your bin in a convenient location that allows for easy access and use.

Model Garden Design: Corner Curb Appeal

This model garden design includes: concept plan, planting plan, and irrigation plan.

This Dublin home's south-facing lawn provides little privacy or shade and needs a lot of water. Georgia Madden suggests replacing the lawn with an array of climate appropriate native plants. By varying the size, color, and seasonal color of the shrubs, her design screens the house from the street, and creates the illusion of depth in this narrow yard. A new path from the street emphasizes the home's entry. A Strawberry tree complements the faade of the house, while providing privacy inside.

Model Garden Design: Back Yard Meadow Oasis

This model garden design includes: concept plan, planting plan, irrigation plan, and plant list.

This Fremont home's front and back yards had large expanses of water-intensive turf. By replacing much of the lawn with native meadow grasses, Michael Thilgen preserves the yard's usable open space while adding more intimate spaces and layering plantings to create more interesting views from inside the home. Two large oaks anchor the front yard, framing the house and path to the entry.


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