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Peralta Elementary School - Bay-Friendly Garden Case Study

Peralta Elementary School is a K-5 public school of 250 students that is an urban oasis in Oakland. The teachers, principal, parents, and community members transformed this once mostly black-topped school site into one that is surrounded by colorful ornamental and edible flowers, vegetables, Mediterranean plants and trees. The gardens are complemented with kids’ murals, decorative tiles, banners, and metal sculptural pieces.

Sequoia Elementary School - Bay-Friendly Garden Case Study

Sequoia Elementary School in Oakland registered its Bay-Friendly School Garden in 2009. As part of a campus-wide plan for greening and renovating the schoolyard, asphalt was converted into islands of Bay-Friendly gardens for play and outdoor classrooms. Sheet mulching was used to prepare the soil for new planting areas bordering the school. Within the teaching garden, hand-tilled raised beds produce a diversity of organic vegetables.


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