Bay-Friendly Landscape Maintenance Model Specifications
Use this model language to make sure your maintenance specifications include Bay-Friendly practices.
Bay-Friendly Example of Filled-in Plant Template
See an example of a filled-in Plant Legend that meets Bay-Friendly Rated Landscapes requirements.
Bay-Friendly Landscaping Plant Legend Template
Use this template for your plant list to ensure that you are meeting Bay-Friendly requirements for low-water using plants and providing adequate space for plants to reach mature size.
Debris Recovery Plan Pre-Demolition/Pre-Construction
Use this template to track and document recycling of waste created during construction and demolition.
Section 01505 Construction and Demolition Waste Management
Use this model language in your specifications for C&D waste management and recycling.
EPP Fact Sheet: Recycled Content Park and Recreation Products in Alameda County
Get information and sample specification language for purchasing recycled content playground equipment, playground surfacing, and parks furnishings. Updated February 2017.
Bay-Friendly Section 329300 Plants - Model Specification Language
Use this model language in your specifications. It covers several practices in the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard such as soil testing, soil amendments and preparation, mulch requirements, and integrated or organic pest management.
Bay-Friendly Landscape Site Analysis Form
Use this form to ensure a thorough review of existing conditions at a project site and evaluate opportunities to incorporate Bay-Friendly Landscape practices.