Clinton Commons Earns Bay-Friendly Rating and LEED Platinum Certification
Clinton Commons is a 55-unit affordable housing development that is helping to revitalize Oakland's lower San Antonio neighborhood. The project has earned both the Bay-Friendly Rated designation for its sustainable landscaping and LEED Platinum certification for its green building features.
Bay-Friendly Rating Manual Version 4
The Bay-Friendly Rating Manual for New Civic, Commercial and Multifamily Landscapes is an essential resource for achieving a Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape. It is written for landscape design and construction professionals and Bay-Friendly Raters to help them meet the requirements of the Bay-Friendly Rated Landscapes program.
Bay-Friendly Plant Lists
Download lists of Bay-Friendly plants to help you get started with finding the right plants for the different areas of your site and for different uses, such as lawn alternatives, butterfly hosts, and hedges.
Harbor Bay Median Turf Conversion Presentation
StopWaste At Home
StopWaste is a public agency that helps Alameda County residents recycle properly and waste less. Browse our website to find:
Two-Person Wooden Worm Bin
- For fruit & vegetable trimmings
- Basic carpentry skills needed for construction
- Doubles as a seat!
- Breathes well - will need occasional watering
- $20 - $30 for materials new
- (1 ) 4'x4' piece 1/2' exterior grade plywood
- (3) 6' pieces 2x2" wood
- (1) 4' piece 2x4" wood
- 1 pound 4 penny galvanized nails
- 16" light chain with (2) 1/2" wood screws
- (2) 2" hinges, with 3/4" wood screws
- Waterproof wood glue
Plastic Worm Bin
- For fruit & vegetable trimmings
- Very easy to build; tidy for indoor use
- Plastic bins keep compost moist-Will require regular additions of dry bedding
- $6 - $20 for new materials
- (1) Plastic storage container with a tight fitting lid, 12" to 18" tall, 12"x24" base
- Power drill (1/4" bit) or utility knife
Urban All Wood Bin
- For plant trimmings alone, or fruit & vegetable scraps mixed with plant trimmings
- Has 2 front doors for easy harvesting and turning, a top that doubles as a sifter, and a full wire mesh lining
- Produces small to large amounts of compost
- Carpentry skills needed for construction
- $100 - $120 for new materials
- (8) 8' 1x6 wood
- (2) 8' 2x4 wood
- (1)10' 2x4 wood
- (3) 6' 1x4 wood
- 15' 1/4" wire mesh hardware cloth
- (4) 5" drawer handles
- (8) 1 l/2" hooks and eyes
Three Bin System
- For plant trimmings alone, or for fruit & vegetable scraps with plant trimmings
- Requires minimum 3'x 9' of yard space
- Excellent for hot composting, has removable front slats for easy turning, and separate bins for turning and aging compost, and/or storing compostables
- Can handle large amounts of compostables
- Carpentry skills needed for construction
- $175 - $200 for new materials
- 2x4" wood*: (8) 31 1/2", (8) 36", (4) 9', and (4) 29" pieces
- 2x6" wood: (4) 36" pieces