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    Landlords and managers/owners of commercial, multifamily, and single-family residential properties can include this sample template language in their leases to get written commitment from tenants to comply with the sorting requirements of SB 1383 / the Organics Reduction & Recycling Ordinance. For more information about SB 1383, and a complete list of rules and resources in Alameda Cou

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    Some damaged or defective cans are not safe for donation. Use this guide from the Alameda County Community Food Bank to help evaluate which cans should be discarded instead of donated. As a reminder, any discarded cans must be emptied before tossed: food belongs in a compost bin and cans must be recycled.

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    These flyers are designed to support local efforts in edible food recovery and SB 1383 compliance. For more information about SB 1383, and a complete list of rules and resources in Alameda County, visit


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    This Model Ordinance provides a menu of policy options for Cities in Alameda County to consider adopting as part of their efforts to address single-use plastics and food packaging waste issues. These policies prioritize reuse and the reduction of disposable materials used in food service and beverage packaging.

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    Are you ready to join the League of 4Rs Action Heroes and take action to reduce waste and fight climate change? In this activity sheet, meet the founding members of the League and come up with your own action hero identity!

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    Download example signage for your establishment to help communicate that single-use items are only provided upon request.  The PDF contains multiple color schemes, and may be modified as needed.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    Single-use foodware items, such as plastic and paper cups, plates, and utensils, have a short lifespan but a long-lasting negative impact on human health and the environment. Additionally, most of these single-use foodware items are neither readily recyclable nor compostable, and contaminate recycling and composting programs.

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    Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the years ended June 30, 2022 and 2021

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  • Rot Girl


    Watch Rot Girl her and fellow action heroes use their power of composting to defeat the Trash-ster!

    Starring students from Sequoia Elementary School in Oakland, CA

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  • Event   

    Download the flyer to learn more!

    Join the StopWaste Schools Team for our spring Open House at the StopWaste Education Center at the Davis Street Transfer Station in San Leandro. The Open House will feature tours of the garbage pit - the place where garbage goes before heading to the landfill - and activity booths and work sessions to spark your Earth month actions including:

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