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Resource Library


Displaying 251 - 260 of 1288
  • Topic Briefs   

    From uneaten leftovers to discarded wrapping paper, the holidays come with a lot of waste. In fact, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, Americans produce 25 percent more waste than average. But with a little planning and intention, we can reduce our footprint while still experiencing the joy of coming together with family and friends.

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    Participant questions and responses from the November 3rd, 2022 “Donating Edible Surplus Food at Work” webinar.

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  •   |  11/09/2022

    Alameda County’s second schools reusable foodware pilot project launched in Alameda following a successful inaugural launch in Emeryville—replacing single-use lunch trays and plastic utensils with reusable stainless-steel ones.

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  • RFP-RFQ   
    The deadline for the initial review process has passed, but applications will continue to be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until the Agency has established a qualified list of service providers. View the list of service providers qualified to date here.
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  • Topic Briefs   

    Over the last two decades, severe drought in California has increasingly threatened the state’s water sources. Outdoor landscapes are one of the biggest urban water users, and sustainable approaches can sharply reduce water demand while improving water quality, conserving energy, reducing emissions, and sequestering carbon.

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  • Volunteer altering table for new home.
    Grantee Highlight   

    Reuse & Repair Grants

    Make It Home Bay Area furnishes homes for those transitioning out of crisis or homelessness with donated, gently used furniture and household goods. With a StopWaste Reuse & Repair grant, the nonprofit rented storage space in Alameda County and hired an additional staff member to move closer to in-county donors and clients and increase the amount of furniture they can repurpose for local needs.

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    Crowe LLP (Crowe) conducted this Five Year Financial and Compliance Assessment and Five-Year Programmatic Assessment of funds raised through the Alameda County Waste Reduction and Recycling Initiative Charter Amendment (“Measure D”). This work was conducted in two (2) phases for the financial and compliance assessment.

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  • Topic Briefs   

    California has increasingly been setting ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and slow climate change. To help the state meet its goals, local jurisdictions have outlined their own commitments to climate action locally in the form of Climate Action Plans (CAPs). Alameda County was one of the first California counties in which all jurisdictions have developed CAPs.

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  • Success Stories   

    Food service operator Just Fare in Oakland cares about planet and people and walks the talk. They have minimized food waste, founded a community kitchen that produces high-quality meals for donation and have some of the highest staff retention rates in the industry.

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