Resource Library
Did you know that eating your leftovers is one of the easiest ways to reduce food waste and reduce climate change at the same time?
This bingo activity gives you ideas on how to reimagine your leftovers!
Read MoreDownload this Excel spreadsheet that contains all of the questions and answers from StopWaste's Worm Composting Webinar that was presented on February 27, 2021. To watch a recording of the webinar, click here.
Read More- Topic Briefs
This month’s KidScoop (Re)Generation activity is all about (Re)sponsible. How can we ask youth to save the earth if we don’t first provide opportunities for them to make connections and care in their own way about earth and our precious natural resources?
This activity invites students to share how they care about the earth and how by being responsible, we can be caring global citizens.
Read MoreIt is a requirement of StopWaste that any business or organization selected to receive grant funding maintain the following minimum insurance during the term of the Grant contract. As part of the application, grant applicant shall submit to StopWaste certificates of insurance for the policies listed below.