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Displaying 871 - 880 of 1283
  • Bay-Friendly Coalition logo
    News  |  12/18/2014

    Author and landscape architect Robert Perry will be giving a talk about the water needs of landscape plants and how to successfully combine good aesthetic expression and sound water conservation practices. Event dates: San Francisco on February 11, 2015 and Oakland on February 12, 2015.

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    Resolution 2014-2 (11/30/2014): Revisions to Resolution 2006-12 Rule 2, regarding fund balances of recycling fund per capita allocations applied to the Measure D Annual Reports submitted each year.


    As part of the Strategic Workplan adopted in July, 2010, the WMA and Recycling Boards directed staff to
    convene a Franchise Task Force to examine member agency hauling, disposal, and processing
    agreements. The objective is to provide recommendations to member agencies that will enable
    Alameda County to reach the highest diversion rate without significant adverse consequences (e.g.,
    harm to public health, cost, etc.). This memo contains those recommendations.

  • Join the Smart Kitchen Initiative


    StopWaste is offering free food waste tracking equipment and training for mid- to high-volume food service operators in Alameda County, to help reduce pre-consumer food waste. Most participating kitchens can anticipate reducing pre-consumer food waste by 50%, saving money on food purchases and improving operations. Watch the 30-min webinar to learn more.

  • News  |  11/17/2014

    As a result of Reusable Bag Ordinance 2012-2, people are bringing their own bags in larger quantities than expected. Data collected has shown that the ordinance not only has had a positive impact on litter reduction but on waste prevention as well.

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  • Brochures   

    Download this 2 page flyer to learn more about StopWaste's Smart Kitchen Initiative. The program provides free assistance for mid- to high-volume food service operators in Alameda County to reduce pre-consumer food waste. Participating kitchens will save money on food purchases and improve operations.

  • Harbor Bay Success Story
    Success Stories   

    Learn how the Harbor Bay Median relandscaping project in Alameda used sheet mulch to replace 2.5 acres of conventional grass medians with a Bay-Friendly landscape that enhances the spectacular shoreline setting. Sheet mulching the median turf instead of excavating it kept 221 tons of turf out of the landfill.The new landscape has saved more than 9 million gallons of water in three years.

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    This summary will give you a better understanding of the activities that need to occur in order to fully execute the funding agreement.

