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Codes, Standards & Labels

Green labels, codes and standards drive energy and water savings, reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and lead to healthier, more resilient communities. 

CALGreen Building Code Update - May 2024

On July 1, 2024, a series of updates to California's green building code goes into effect. StopWaste has put together several resources for building department staff who will be responsible for enforcing these new codes.  Additional details are available here.

Multifamily Buildings

In California, there are more than 3 million multifamily buildings, accounting for approximately 24% of residential energy use and about 11% of all building energy use in the state. Over 70% of these buildings were constructed prior to 1978, before there were efficiency standards.

Energy and water efficiency improvements in these buildings can provide significant cost savings for renters and property owners, and can help municipalities meet their greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Energy & Materials

In the United States, buildings account for approximately one third of raw material use, total energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste generation, as well as 12% of potable water consumption. 

As part of StopWaste's mission to increase recycling and reduce waste in Alameda County, we develop innovative solutions to address the environmental impacts of the building sector.

Our priorities include: 

Built Environment Services for Member Agencies


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