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Contemporary Green: Berkeley, CA

Architect and homeowner Chris Parlette transformed a tiny, nondescript house into a light-filled home that’s energy efficient, spacious and stylish. He gutted the 800-square-foot pre-war building and reused much of its structure, but the home is “99 percent brand new,” he says. Adding a second story allowed Parlette to double his home’s square footage while only expanding its footprint by 50 square feet. 

Modern Green: Oakland, CA

On a lot ravaged by the Oakland firestorm, Gloria and Peter Yu built a sun-splashed contemporary house that’s admired as much for its striking design as for its approach to green building. At 4,500 square feet, the four-level house is large, but it was thoughtfully designed for low energy use.

Green Points in Pleasanton: Sycamore Heights by SummerHill, Pleasanton, CA

At Sycamore Heights in Pleasanton, SummerHill Homes is currently building executive-style homes that surpass local green building requirements. The decision to “go green” at Sycamore Heights was made in collaboration with the City of Pleasanton, which provides guidelines for environmentally sensitive home building through its Green Points program.

A New Generation of Builders, Laney College’s Green Built Housing Project: Oakland CA

Laney College’s Green Built Housing Project offers students in its Carpentry Department an unparalleled opportunity to learn the ins and outs of building eco-friendly houses. In partnership with the City of Oakland and the Oakland Rotary Club, the project has already completed one house and has another under construction. Truitt & White Lumber and other corporate sponsors are helping make the project possible.
Click the Download button to read the complete case study from StopWaste's 2005 Green Home Tour.

Energy Efficient Homes

If you are looking to make your home healthier, more efficient, while saving money, addressing energy inefficiencies that exist in your home is the best place to start. On this page, you'll find how your home can benefit from energy upgrades, and links to programs we run to help residents save energy.

Sustainable Purchasing Implementation Resources


These sustainable purchasing resources are intended to assist public agencies in developing and implementing sustainable purchasing best practices at their organization.  Whether your agency is just getting started or is looking to enhance a mature sustainable purchasing program, there are resources on these pages to assist you.  A few things to note about how to use these resources:


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