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Posado de Colores, Oakland

Posada de Colores is home to 113 seniors in the Fruitvale district of Oakland. The 100- unit building is owned by Unity Council and was built in 1976. At the time of upgrade, many of the original building systems were still in place. The upgrade project gathered loans and grants from HUD and the City of Oakland. All upgrades were conducted while the units were occupied, not requiring relocation of any tenants. 

Erna P. Harris Court, Berkeley

Erna P. Harris Court in the City of Berkeley was first conceived of as an affordable housing development for very-low income and formerly homeless persons in 1994. In 2011, RCD substantially renovated Erna P. Harris Court to reposition the property for thirty more years of service. 
Click the Download button to read the case study published by Resources for Community Development.

Fairmount Apartments, Oakland

In early 2010, Affordable Housing Associates, a nonprofit developer that creates high-quality homes for low-income families, got started on a top-to-bottom rehab of a dilapidated 31-unit building they had acquired in the Adams Point area of Oakland. Their goal was to make it not just habitable but beautiful, green and permanently affordable

Sustainable Purchasing Guides

Guides and resources that can help reduce the environmental impact of your organization’s purchasing choices.

The following Sustainable Purchasing Guides (SPGs) were designed to provide specific policy-driven product and service direction for more sustainable purchasing in a 2-page format that agency leads can use as a communication tool to agency staff who make purchasing decisions.  Each Sustainable Purchasing Guide contains:


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