SB 1383 Non-Compliance Letter - Sample Pro-social Version
This is a sample of the SB 1383/Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance (ORRO) non-compliance letter being mailed to selected accounts in June 2022. As part of a StopWaste study, some accounts that do not have the required compost collection service will be mailed this "pro-social" version letter and some will be mailed an "enforcement-focused" version letter.
SB 1383 Non-Compliance Letter - Sample Enforcement-focused Version
This is a sample of the SB 1383/Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance (ORRO) non-compliance letter being mailed to selected accounts in June 2022. As part of a study, some accounts that do not have the required compost collection service will be mailed this "enforcement-focused" version letter and some will be mailed a "pro-social" version letter.
StopWaste Food Recovery Capacity Survey
Download StopWaste 2021 SB 1383 Edible Food Recovery Capacity Survey to learn more about Alameda County food recovery organizations and services capacity to recover donated food from Tier One and Tier Two donors.
To learn more about SB 1383 and ORRO, click here.
SB 1383 Requirements for Food Recovery Organizations and Services
State law SB 1383, and the Alameda County Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance went into effect January 1, 2022, including requirements for certain food generating businesses to donate edible food to a local food recovery organization or service and establish contracts or written agreements with them.
Food Recovery Notice
NOTICE: New Law Requires Donation of Surplus Edible Food
New State law, SB 1383, and the Alameda County Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance go into effect January 1, 2022 and require all businesses to keep compostable and recyclable materials out of landfills. The laws also require certain food generating businesses to donate surplus edible food to feed people instead of composting it. This notice provides more details about how businesses with surplus edible food can comply with the new law.
Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance Residential Flyer (Vietnamese)
Ủ các loại chất hữu cơ làm phân và tái chế vật liệu giờ đã thành luật tại California
Việc phân loại thức ăn thừa và các vật liệu có thể phân hủy khác một cách hợp lý không chỉ giúp chống lại biến đổi khí hậu mà giờ đây còn là quy luật. Có hiệu lực từ tháng 1 năm 2022, luật Tiểu bang (SB 1383) yêu cầu cư dân và doanh nghiệp giữ các vật liệu có thể phân hủy và tái chế ra khỏi các bãi chôn lấp của California. Tờ rơi này trình bày về cách phân loại rác tái chế và phân hữu cơ đúng cách, đồng thời cung cấp các mẹo để ngăn ngừa lãng phí thực phẩm.
Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance Residential Flyer (Spanish)
Compostar y reciclar ahora son parte de la ley para los habitantes de California
Clasificar correctamente los restos de comida y otros materiales compostables no solo ayuda a combatir el cambio climático, ahora es la ley. A partir de enero de 2022, la ley estatal (SB 1383) requiere que los residentes y las empresas mantengan los materiales compostables y reciclables fuera de los vertederos de California. Este folleto cubre cómo clasificar adecuadamente los materiales reciclables y compostables, y brinda consejos para prevenir el desperdicio de alimentos.
Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance Residential Flyer
Composting & Recycling Now the Law for California Residents
Properly sorting your food scraps and other compostable materials not only helps fight climate change, it’s now the law. Effective January 2022, State law (SB 1383) requires residents and businesses to keep compostable and recyclable materials out of California’s landfills. This flyer covers how to properly sort recyclables & compostables, and provides tips for preventing food waste.
Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance Residential Flyer (Chinese)
正確地分類食物殘渣和其他可堆肥物料,不僅有助於對抗氣候變化,現在這已經成為一項法律。自2022 年1 月起,加州法規(SB 1383) 將禁止居民和公司行號將可堆肥和可回收物料倒入加州的垃圾填埋場。
English version