Services for Businesses and Organizations in Livermore
The City of Livermore contracts with Livermore Sanitation for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service.
The City of Livermore contracts with Livermore Sanitation for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service.
The City of Hayward contracts with Waste Management of Alameda County for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service to commercial garbage customers. Recycling service is provided at no additional charge. Waste Management provides free onsite waste and recycling assessments upon request.
The City of Fremont contracts with Republic Services, formerly Allied Waste Services, for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service.
The City of Emeryville contracts with Waste Management of Alameda County for garbage, recyclables and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection services.
Weekly pickup of recyclables and organics is provided to multi-family properties at no extra charge.
The City of Dublin contracts with Amador Valley Industries (AVI) for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and plant debris) collection service.
The Castro Valley Sanitary District (CVSan) contracts with Waste Management of Alameda County for garbage, recyclables and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service.
The City of Berkeley provides all commercial wet garbage and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection services. “Dry rubbish” – meaning garbage with NO food or wet items – and commercial recyclables are picked up by city and city approved haulers.
The City of Albany contracts with Waste Management of Alameda County for garbage, recyclables and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service.
Recycling collection is provided at no additional charge to commercial and multi-family customers.
The City of Alameda contracts with Alameda County Industries (ACI) for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection services.
Each city in Alameda County makes its own arrangements with waste and recycling haulers, in an effort to provide businesses and organizations with the highest quality service and best rates for garbage, recycling and composting collection. Select the appropriate link below for information in the city where you are located.