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Mandatory Recycling and Single-Use Bag Reduction Ordinances Adopted

In January 2012, the Alameda County Waste Management Authority adopted two ordinances that will help the county achieve its long-term waste reduction goals. The mandatory recycling ordinance requires larger businesses and multifamily properties to collect recyclables. The reusable bag ordinance prohibits free distribution of single-use bags at check out in stores that sell packaged food. The laws are designed to reduce waste and litter, stimulate the local economy and create jobs.

Recycling for Residents

Alameda County residents get high marks for their commitment to recycling, with some of the best recycling and composting rates in the country.

But there’s more work to be done. Right now, about 32 percent of what winds up in our landfills is readily recyclable or compostable.

Help us reach our countywide goal: By 2020, less than 10 percent of Alameda County’s trash will be readily recyclable or compostable.

Preventing Waste for Businesses and Institutions

While recycling is great for a company’s bottom line, preventing waste by reducing and reusing is even better. By stopping waste before it starts you can reap more cost savings than recycling alone, and improve efficiency at the same time. In addition, by rooting out waste, your organization shows it cares for the community and the environment, and helps make Alameda County a great place to live and work.

Regulations & Compliance

StopWaste can help Alameda County businesses, non-profits and institutions stay informed about current landfill bans, policies and ordinances related to proper collection and recycling of resources and hazardous wastes. Our goal is to provide links to current information so that you can operate your organization most efficiently.

Some regulations apply within Alameda County, others apply only to operations within certain cities, and some affect all commercial accounts within California.

Services for Businesses and Organizations in Union City

The City of Union City contracts with Republic Services, formerly Allied Waste Services, and Tri-CED Community Recycling for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service. Single stream recycling cart service is provided by Tri-CED. Bin, compactor or drop box service is provided by Republic Services. Republic Services and Tri-CED Community Recycling provide free onsite waste and recycling assessments upon request.

Services for Businesses and Organizations in San Leandro

San Leandro has two distinct service areas for garbage, recycling and organics (food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings) collection service.  If you are unsure which service area you are in, check your garbage bill.  If the vendor is Alameda County Industries (ACI), you are in the service area of the City of San Leandro.  If the vendor is Waste Management of Alameda County, you are in the Oro Loma Sanitary District.


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