Video: How to Set Up Indoor Bins at Work (Spanish)
This step-by-step video shows businesses how to set up indoor organics and recycling bins. Learn how to assess your needs, gather materials, and set up indoor recycling stations. Although this video describes the Mandatory Composting & Recycling law, it also applies to the new California State law, SB 1383, that will be implemented In Alameda County under the Organics Reduction & Recycling Ordinance (ORRO). To learn more about SB 1383 and ORRO, click here.
Luật Tái chế và chất hữu cơ của tiểu bang và địa phương (Vietnamese)
Đạo luật mới SB 1383 của Tiểu bang California được ban hành nhằm mục đích giữ không cho thực phẩm, thức ăn và những thành phần có thể phân hủy khác ("chất hữu cơ") vứt ra các bãi rác khu vực để giảm lượng khí thải
캘리포니아주와 및 지역 유기물 쓰레기 및 재활용 쓰레기에 관한 법 (Korean)
새로운 캘리포니아 주법인
加州和地方有機垃圾與回收法 (Chinese)
加州的一項新法律,SB 1383,旨在防止食物和其他可生物降解物料(「有機垃圾」)倒入垃圾填埋場,以減少導致氣候變化的排放。根據法律規定:
Ley local y estatal de reciclaje y materiales orgánicos (Spanish)
Una nueva ley estatal en California, SB 1383, tiene como propósito mantener la comida y otros materiales compostables (“orgánicos”) fuera de los vertederos para reducir las emisiones que contribuyen al cambio climático. Bajo esta ley:
Composting food waste reduces CO2e emissions by about 0.4 tons of CO2e compared to landfilling. StopWaste has promoted backyard and commercial composting for decades. All cities in Alameda County provide residential curbside collection of food scraps, food soiled paper and plant debris.
Codes & Standards
C&D Debris Requirements
Statewide: CALGreen, California's mandatory green building code, requires most new construction projects to divert at least 50% of C&D debris.
Multi-Family Dwelling Recycling Evaluation Report - December 2008
This report serves as an overview and evaluation of multifamily dwelling (MFD) recycling programs in Alameda County.
Cost of Mandatory Recycling in Alameda County
A report by HF&H Consultants (commissioned by StopWaste.Org) estimating the costs of manadatory recycling in Alameda County.