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How to Reduce Food Packaging Waste - June 2024

Single-use foodware items, such as plastic and paper cups, plates, and utensils, have a short lifespan but a long-lasting negative impact on human health and the environment. Additionally, most of these single-use foodware items are neither readily recyclable nor compostable, and contaminate recycling and composting programs. Replacing single-use foodware with durable, reusable alternatives is essential to addressing these issues.

Budget Priorities for the Coming Fiscal Year - May 2024

This provides an overview of the StopWaste Budget for FY 2025.  It outlines the agency's strategic priorities and funding allocation for the coming year, which focuses on advancing environmental sustainability, fostering a circular economy, driving innovation in construction, and nurturing a local food system through various programs, partnerships, and community engagement.  The complete budget document is available here.

Reusable Bag Laws in California - February 2024

Over the last decade, Alameda County and the State of California have progressively tightened laws on plastic bag use, aiming to curb pollution, encourage sustainable practices, and reduce waste. These measures have notably decreased plastic bag consumption and helped protect our environment. However, due to a variety of factors, we’re seeing an increase in the number of plastic bags being distributed and a decrease in customers bringing their own. New policy is on the horizon in an attempt to reduce overall bag usage.

Surplus Food Donation Requirements in Alameda County - December 2023

In California, a significant amount of discarded food is still perfectly edible and could be used to nourish people rather than going to waste. State law SB 1383, that took effect in 2022, aims to decrease the quantity of food and compostable materials sent to landfills. It requires that many food generating businesses recover edible items that would otherwise be thrown away and donate them to support those in need. This not only reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions but also helps alleviate food insecurity within our communities.


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