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Food Donation Guide: Helping Schools Save Food

A four-page introduction for Alameda County schools interested in setting up a donation program for surplus edible food. Includes guidance on legal protections, program models, food safety precautions and how to find and form a partnership with a food recipient non-profit partner.

This guide was created in partnership with the Oakland Unified School District and to the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health.

Food Share Table and Donation Guides for Schools

Like most organizations that serve prepared food, schools typically have surplus edible food. With some planning, this food can feed people instead of going to waste. StopWaste works with school districts to implement district-wide food share and food donation programs to recover and redistribute K-12 edible surplus food.

Setting up food waste prevention programs has already shown great results in Alameda County schools:

Surplus Food Donation

Even with careful planning, most food service operators generate surplus edible food. Meanwhile, one in five Alameda County residents don’t have reliable access to affordable, nutritious food. By setting up a food donation program, businesses can help close this hunger gap instead of sending surplus food to the landfill. They may also realize cost savings from reduced garbage bills and may be eligible for enhanced tax deductions.

K-12 Schools Food Share Table Guide

The K-12 School Food Share guide is available to distribute to schools, community members and organizations working on reducing wasted food in schools. The guide was developed in partnership with the Alameda County Environmental Health Department who provided language for setting up and re-distributing surplus food using safe handling guidelines that comply with the California Code for food service operations.


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